Exhibitions & Photos

입력 2016.06.20 (14:24) 수정 2016.06.20 (14:29)

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[Anchor Lead]

Museums are suffering from the prolonged economic slump. But some exhibitions have become great successes despite the sluggish market. One of the secrets is that in many places visitors are now allowed to take photos of the exhibitions.


The interior of this exhibition hall resembles the catwalk at a fashion show. Cameras click ceaselessly in front of splendid, eye-catching garments and accessories. Photographs can serve as souvenirs from the exhibition and be shared on social networking services.

[Soundbite] Yoo Hyun(Exhibition Visitor) : "I feel good when my friends respond positively to my photos on SNS, saying that they envy me or that they also want to visit."

SNS photos naturally act as a driving force behind the success of exhibitions, as it is common now for people to record and share their new experiences, going beyond simple appreciation or admiration. The number of SNS posts regarding exhibitions that allow photographs has surged to as many as 260,000.

[Soundbite] Prof. Ha Ji-hyun(Konkuk Univ. Medical Center) : "People feel a strong desire to store their experiences because they experience so much in their daily lives. They cement those experiences by posting photos on SNS."

Museums and galleries worldwide are lifting bans on photography. The Accademia Gallery in Italy earns greater profits as its prize exhibit, Michelangelo's David, is subjected to more and more camera flashes. Nine out of the world's top ten museums, including the Louvre and Musée d'Orsay, are also encouraging visitors to take selfies.

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  • Exhibitions & Photos
    • 입력 2016-06-20 14:14:30
    • 수정2016-06-20 14:29:08
    News Today
[Anchor Lead]

Museums are suffering from the prolonged economic slump. But some exhibitions have become great successes despite the sluggish market. One of the secrets is that in many places visitors are now allowed to take photos of the exhibitions.


The interior of this exhibition hall resembles the catwalk at a fashion show. Cameras click ceaselessly in front of splendid, eye-catching garments and accessories. Photographs can serve as souvenirs from the exhibition and be shared on social networking services.

[Soundbite] Yoo Hyun(Exhibition Visitor) : "I feel good when my friends respond positively to my photos on SNS, saying that they envy me or that they also want to visit."

SNS photos naturally act as a driving force behind the success of exhibitions, as it is common now for people to record and share their new experiences, going beyond simple appreciation or admiration. The number of SNS posts regarding exhibitions that allow photographs has surged to as many as 260,000.

[Soundbite] Prof. Ha Ji-hyun(Konkuk Univ. Medical Center) : "People feel a strong desire to store their experiences because they experience so much in their daily lives. They cement those experiences by posting photos on SNS."

Museums and galleries worldwide are lifting bans on photography. The Accademia Gallery in Italy earns greater profits as its prize exhibit, Michelangelo's David, is subjected to more and more camera flashes. Nine out of the world's top ten museums, including the Louvre and Musée d'Orsay, are also encouraging visitors to take selfies.

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